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​Supporting the animals we love, and those who love them.

“Kaleel has an incredible heart and a gift with animals...and people.”

— Maria S.

The mission of Animal Talks is twofold: first, to provide individual help with the pain, grief, and the healing, that comes with the death of a pet, your animal companion; grief and sorrow counseling for pet death. It doesn't matter when it was or how it was, your heart is still broken. Please connect with us through email or phone. Tell us your story... and kindly leave whatever donation you can. The second part of our mission is to serve the community. Animal Talks offers grief management workshops, small group discussions, a monthly pet-loss support group and informal talks. You’ll see us blessing the animals in the fields, on church steps and in the church itself on the Feast of St. Francis Day.

As an ordained Animal Chaplain, and pastor, Reverend Kaleel also works with community faith-leaders to help make animal rights awareness a part of every church’s vision. Please let us know if you'd like Animal Talks to connect with your community group, church or school. We hope you’ll find the site helpful and informative.

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Puppy Under a Table

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