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Losing your pet, your animal companion,
feels like your heart is torn out.
Don’t be afraid or ashamed of your grief.
This book reflects the path from hurt to healing. It offers words of comfort during a
painful time through poetry and guidance.
Remember that animals know
this world in ways we never will. 

Animal Talks Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and this product is tax exempt.

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To exchange feelings and ideas with an
animal, certainly with our pets or animal companions, is an ability we were born with.
As a “being among beings” it was natural.
In Our Animals: Our Guides to Happiness
you will discover three ways animal communication or contact can enhance
your life, your relationships, and unlock
the vast potential for happiness we hold.

Animal Talks Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and this product is tax exempt.

”The See-Through Heart offers a window
into the beauty, awareness, and wisdom
of the non-human world through
heart-to-heart connection and communication.
With the freshness of a child’s wonder
and the depth of the heart’s wisdom, these stories and interspecies exchanges will delight and inspire readers of all ages.”
Nancy Windheart, Animal Communicator/Teacher

Animal Talks Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and this product is tax exempt.

See-Through vid
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